No Emails in Inbox

You want to create new users or send reports, but the emails do not arrive at your inbox? Here are some tips what to do.

If you're experiencing issues with receiving Lumiform emails containing reports or links, don't worry, we're here to help. Let us guide you through the steps to solve the issue.


Troubleshooting steps for missing Lumiform emails


1. Emails in the spam folder

Please check whether the Lumiform email ended up in the spam folder.

The email is sent from the following sender:

2. Customize your spam filter settings

Take the necessary steps to modify your spam filter settings. By doing so, you can ensure that Lumiform emails are not mistakenly blocked or marked as spam. Adjusting these settings will help ensure that you receive all the important emails from Lumiform without any interruptions.

3. Contact us via chat or email

We will investigate the status of the email, including whether it was successfully sent, blocked by your email provider, or flagged as spam. If necessary, we will release your email address so that you can start receiving emails again.