Reset Your Password

Unable to login due to an incorrect password? Don't worry, we've got you covered. Allow us to assist you in resetting your password and gaining access to your account again.

With the help of modern tools, there's no longer a need to worry about remembering your password. If you ever find yourself unable to recall your password when logging into Lumiform, don't worry - we are here to assist you.

Reset your password


1. If you are currently using Lumiform on your desktop through, you have the option to reset your password using the "Forgotten Password" feature. Simply enter your email address, click on the link that will be sent to you, and set a new password. It's as easy as that!

Please keep in mind that the link will only be valid for 60 minutes.


2. Unfortunately, if you are on the go and using Lumiform on your mobile device, this password reset option is not available. In such cases, we recommend accessing Lumiform on a desktop computer.


3. If you find yourself in a rush and don't have a desktop computer nearby, don't worry! Just reach out to us, and we will help you find a quick solution to reset your password.