Filtering Templates & Forms in Lumiform

You have a variety of templates & forms and want to stay organized. Let us guide you on how to do so.


How to quickly access important templates and forms in Lumiform at any time.




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With a multitude of templates and forms available, it can be challenging to find the necessary template right away. We have gathered some tips & tricks to make it easier.


Search & filter options for templates in Lumiform


To quickly access specific templates, Lumiform offers a variety                                                                            of search and filter options that you can use during your search.


  • Keyword - Letters and words in the template title.
  • Categories - Predefined & assigned categories
  • Status - Filtering for active and inactive templates
  • Entity - units assigned via the schedule.
  • Users - under: Users added to fill out templates.


When entering a search term, it is important to be accurate. For example, when 

looking for the template Checklist, you can find it using keywords like Check or

List, but not by the terms Check & List combined.


You can also search for your templates by selecting filters:



Filter options are not saved, so you need to set them again after leaving the page. 


If you regularly search for or filter specific templates, you can save this option                                 

through the browser's URL, as it always adjusts to your search and filter query:




Learn more about sorting templates and forms in Lumiform in this article.