If you want certain forms and reports in Lumiform to be displayed first, we will show you how to do that.
How to quickly and effectively display specific forms & reports in Lumiform
Sorting function in Lumiform for templates, forms, and reports
In Lumiform, the most recently created templates & reports are always displayed at the top.
Along with the filtering and search options, you can customize the order of your templates.
To sort the order in ascending or descending, you can do the following:
- Click on the title of the templates in the header area with your mouse cursor.
- Afterwards, an arrow will appear to the right of the title:
- This will result in an ascending sorting order of your current templates:
- After clicking again, a descending order of templates will appear:
- You can also add numbering to the titles of your templates so that they
always appear at the top of the list when you adjust the order:
Just like with the filtering function, the sorting in ascending or
descending order is not saved and needs to be adjusted each time.
- You can also adjust the order for the status in the same way:
- This also works for the sections of planned & completed forms as well as drafts:
Unlike in the templates section, the sorting function for
completed forms works for all areas, not just title and status.