How to use the change log feature.

You can track all changes of individual user seats made to the form templates.

The change logs provide an audit trail of template changes, making it easier to identify potential issues or errors in every auditing process.

If you have quality management systems in place, such as ISO 9001, ISO 27001, or Six Sigma, you may need to track changes made to audit templates to ensure that the quality management system remains effective and efficient over time.

With Lumiform's change log feature you can track, store and provide an overview of all changes made to the forms by every user seat. If you need to be compliant with ISO 27001 standards then this is the perfect feature for you.

This feature is available with the latest Lumiform iOS/Android version, please update the device to access it.

  1. Improved transparency and accountability -  users can track the changes made to the template over time. 
  2. Constant improvement - keep improving your audit processes by identifying areas for improvement in your forms.
  3. Compliance - stay compliant with ISO 27001, ISO 9001 and Six Sigma standards by providing the overview of the changes to your forms and templates.

For example:

  • User Name created the template (saved as active or inactive)

  • User Name updated the template (saved as active or inactive)

The time and date of the change will be visible next to it with this format: “12/31/2023, 9:59 AM”.

Once any change is made, this will immediately appear in the logs overview. Anyone with access to the template index page will be able to view the log just by clicking on the button.

  1. Go to the forms tab in your admin.
  2. When hovering over the button the view log history text will be displayed.

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3. When clicking on the log review button, the overview of the changes will appear in a popup window. Every user seat's name making a change will be displayed including the date and time stamp.

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Click here to log in.