Getting Started: Creating & Managing Roles

You have created your users. To enable them to perform exams, they need a role.


In this article, you will learn how to restrict permissions for users by using roles.



After creating your first users in Lumiform, you will need to assign them a role


Roles control and determine the permissions of what users can see, edit, and complete in Lumiform.

This helps in managing who has access to specific features and functions within the platform. 


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By default, when creating users, the role of Admin is always assigned

at the beginning. You can change this later after creating the roles.



What are roles and how are they used


In most cases, not all users should have unrestricted access rights to all areas of Lumiform.

Roles allow you to restrict user access rights and precisely define which user or user group can access which part of Lumiform.

For example, it makes sense for the Team Lead role to also have administrative rights, whereas the User role only needs permissions to conduct inspections.


Creating a Role in Lumiform


To create a new role in Lumiform on the desktop, navigate to the Administration section         

 on the homepage and select the Roles tab. Then, click on the Add Role button:


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Assign a title to the role using a unique name, such as Regional Manager or Field Service, and then add the permissions that this role should have.


Simply click on the relevant checkbox in the drop-down menu to add the corresponding permissions to the role. Once you have selected all necessary permissions, click on the Create Role button to finalize the process:


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Finally, you just need to add the respective users or user groups:



You can edit roles later in the Administration section. In the user overview, simply click on the specific user and adjust the role accordingly: 


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The same applies to the respective role itself. This role can also be adjusted at any time:


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