Profile Settings in Lumiform

You want to change your email address quickly or customize notifications? No problem in Lumiform.


Learn how to customize your profile and personal settings in this article.




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Edit Your Profile


You can find the profile section on desktop via the profile iconScreenshot 2023-12-07 at 12.44.32 located at the top right corner. 

In the Lumiform App, you can access by tapping on the menu icon Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 10.39.28 in the top left corner.


General Settings


Here, you can easily update your name and email address at any time.

You can also customize your language settings in this section. To do so, click on the dropdown menu under Language, select your choice, and confirm by clicking on the Update profile button:


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Change Your Password


To change your password, simply enter a new password and confirm it by typing it again. To      activate the changes, click on the Change Password button:


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Notifications in Lumiform



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Here you can choose how you want to be notified by Lumiform when a task is created or a form is completed. You have the option of receiving notifications via push notifications or email. For more important information and tips, please check out this link.


Please remember to always confirm all changes by clicking on the blue button at the end.